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Their Lives - Our new podcast

Hello and Welcome to our podcast!

Social distancing has now become the norm in our lives and those who are vulnerable and elderly in our society will begin a long period of isolation along with us all; loneliness will inevitably grow.

As we change our ways of living in society our focus must shift toward not only protecting the physical health of our seniors but their mental wellbeing too. With this in mind, we have been thinking about how we can play our part.

Like many other young people during this crisis, we are volunteering our spare time outside of our day jobs to talking with our elderly population and providing them with a friendly person to speak to.

In our podcast "Their Lives" we will listen and speak with our elderly community about their stories through the years and the amazing lessons/teachings from their adventures that can teach the younger generations in this uncertain time.

We hope that our podcast will not only become a valuable experience for our guests giving them extended time to speak at length and reminisce about their history but hopefully, it would prove as comfort for senior people across the country as they can join collectively in reminiscing about past times.

We want to achieve three things:

1. Allow for our older generations to inspire our younger generations with their stories
2. To give our older generations a platform to collectively reminisce
3. To entertain our audience but most importantly send them on their way with lessons that they can practically use during these difficult times.

We are always looking for feedback, if you have any comments or recommended guests please let us know on Twitter @benjihyer and @Benji_Fisher or Facebook

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